American Thought “Puritanism: A Social & Historical Background

A.   Introduction

When it comes to the promising land, America says it all. People have their own motivation to immigrate to America. Stevenson states:
"Major changes in the pattern of immigration have been caused by wars, revolutions, periods of starvation, persecutions, religious intolerance, and in short, by any number of disasters which led people to believe that America was a better place to be." (1998:23)

In 1830s U.S. newcomers began to increase about 600.000 visitors. He added that more than a million Irish moved to America between 1846 and 1851 to escape starvation and disease in Ireland. However, American civilization was initiated by 13 colonies. These Britain-colonies encompassed Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Hampshire, New York, Delaware, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, North Carolina, Georgia, South Carolina, Massachusetts, and Virginia.

Looking back history people had a journey to the new land to get a better life. The hopeful settlers may think that their utopian dream lies somewhere on that promising land. The Puritans in particular once had made a big choice ever. It was said that many puritans suffered from persecutions because of their belief, one of well-known events was Bloody Mary. The story continues as the puritans finally made decision to travel to a land where the air of freedom can be achieved—America.

picture taken from
Puritanism is not only a religious belief but also a philosophy and a value of life about what should do and what shouldn’t, about what is good and what is not. It has greatly contributed to American Culture, American Thought, and American national character. This protestant movement originated and developed from England but the influence crossed over borders. This essay will elaborate more about this belief socially and historically as it has big contribution in a foundation of America today and as it may become additional information in the field of American Studies.

B.   Discussion
The experience of sorrow in the old days has led to Luther’s reformation who was believed initiating the movement toward what they believed to be corrupted-rules committed in a Church of England around 16th to 17th century after the accession of Elizabeth I. Puritans are English Protestant who thought that Church of England need to be reformed. Most Puritans were "non-separating Puritans" which means they did not try to separate or make distinct congregations from the Church of England and the rests were "separating Puritans" or separatist which separated themselves and made distinct congregations outside the Church, later called as pilgrim. (Wikipedia: History of the Puritans in North America). But in practice, non-separating Puritans acted as the separatists did. (Puritanism - Facts & Summary -
As a religious view, Puritanism has beliefs, such as:
         A. Godly people were sober, hardworking, and responsible. English society had been corrupted by foreign influences and needed to be purified.
            B. Catholicism made the religion weaker
           C. Believe in destiny and fate – God chooses who is saved and who is damned. Yet the saints are responsible for their actions.
            D. The saints can choose its members, hires and fires its ministers.
            E. Worship should focus on God, No instrumental music, or art.
            F. Much value of education
            G. Intolerance – error must be opposed and driven out.
(Feldmeth, Greg D. “American Puritanism,” U.S. History Resources. http://gfeldmeth/USHistory.html/lec.pur.html)

This religious movement, as explained earlier, aimed at purifying their national church by eliminating every Catholic influence. Puritans attempted to change an Episcopal state system—in which bishop and king were the authorities (leader) of church governance—into Presbyterian in which the highest position was the presbyters or the elders. They assumed that the concept of a King who governed the church system was an annexation between church authorities and politics. Puritans argued that worship should focus more on God instead of playing music instruments and creating arts. All intolerance must be wiped out.

When King James I was on the throne in 1603, English Puritanism asked him to abolish the bishops. But somehow, the King James refused it. Moreover, the English Government dominated by Church and religious people became more repressive. They controlled everything, forced everyone to do exactly what they wanted. It was bloody affairs. The previous persecution of religion under Queen Mary reign was much more horrific. The English people came to call her "Bloody Mary". At Coventry Cathedral evangelical families were rounded up. They were tied and sentenced by Church bishops. English fathers were burned alive for teaching their children the Lord's Prayer in English. The religious priest believed that Latin, pagan language in Rome, was the only language in which Christian worship could be properly conducted. (PURITAN HISTORY, PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE.htm) They treated Puritans unfairly and cruel, so the Puritans had to move to somewhere outside England or in New world, America.

Geographically Puritanism developed in North America as it was their first settlement in America. In 1620, Puritans reached North America and they firstly settled in Plymouth, New England. Decade later, the Puritans migrated to Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Maine, Rhode Island and New Haven. New England itself is believed to be the “new” place and named after previous land puritans once lived, England. Puritanism was the dominant religious in that area in the 17th and 18th centuries until the second wave immigration.

During the settlement Puritans has proved promoting ideology that greatly gives impact toward others. Bathoro (1998) in Ambivalensi Pikiran Nathaniel Hawthorne dalam The Scarlet Letter Puritans are group who brought positive impact. Puritans are “zeal” having high spirit in religion because they believe in doctrines of election—God chooses few to serve sacred duties. In New England they preached not only to colonies but also Indians. John Eliot is a figure who had successfully accomplished this mission as he was called as “Apostle to the Indians”. Puritans are typically hard working as many of them assume that working is a sign of salvation. It is a calling from God. Puritans obey rules. According to them Church is a group of chosen people coming together to take an oath to serve God. So that is why every rule is associated with religion affairs.

According to Feldmeth in the beginning of discussion, Puritanism “Much value of education” and “Believe in destiny and fate – God chooses who is saved and who is damned. Yet the saints are responsible for their actions”.

Puritanism value says ‘Much value of education’. Learning activity was centered from Bible. They learned and understand Bible, then preached out to the others to save people (preaching Indians). In 1635 the Puritans began to establish public school for the first time named Roxbury Latin School, which their mission to educate people based on Christian value. Four years later, they established Harvard College. As result, area which settled by Puritans, New England in particular had the least number of illiteracy compared to other areas.

Next value is “believe in destiny and fate”. Puritanism was first formed by saints. They were chosen by God, and by God they could move to the ‘land of Hope’ or North America. Puritanism believed in “Nation under God”. They (New England Puritans) felt like they had similarity with the Israel nation, like in the Old Testament. They prevented from monarchy oppression, worshiped the same god, and suffered from religion they believed. The movement of puritan from England to America is more like an Exodus in the bible.  They believed it was a God’s will and they even considered that America was a new version of Jerusalem, a promised land, for the chosen one. Puritan ideology is one of legacies for American today. Even they were not only religion reformists but also revolutionists as they were member of thirteen colonies who fought for their right and reached independence.

C.   Conclusion
Puritanism is not only a religious belief but also a philosophy and a value of life that has greatly contributed to American Culture, American Thought, and American national character. This legacy has never been away from its social historical aspect. The intention of puritans to purify the Church of England from Catholic influence had led to social confrontation and ended up in persecutions. Being treated unfair they decided to move out from England to the promising land, America. Geographically Puritanism developed in mostly New England, North America, because it was their first settlement in America. In their settlement they promoted like high spirit in religion, self-determination, education, hard work, and obedient in rule and law as they believed in themselves that they were the chosen ones and under “Nation under God” and taking part of the thirteen colonies who finally brought America to its independence.

Bathoro. 1998. Ambivalensi Pikiran Nathaniel Hawthorne dalam The Scarlet Letter. UNS PRESS: Unpublished Material. 07 Sejarah Reformasi 7.pdf PURITAN HISTORY, PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE.htm
http://gfeldmeth/USHistory.html/lec.pur.html Puritanism - Facts & Summary -­_of_ the_ Puritans_ in_ North_ America
Stevenson, Douglas K. 1998. American Life and Institutions Revised Edition. Washington DC: FPG International LLC



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