
Simon During's Sight to Media, Identity, and Gender & Sexuality

Summary of Cultural Studies: A Critical Introduction by Simon During

This is a reflective essay about cultural studies in a book by Simon During entitled Cultural Studies: A Critical Introduction. This time I will further give a brief explanation on my understanding how Simon During views Media and Public Sphere, Identity, and Gender & Sexuality.

Media and the Public Sphere
Simon During categorizes media that culturally evoke society, including Television, popular music, and internet and techno-culture. He contends that TV has special relation to cultural studies as it potentially shapes culture. It is pointed that TV potentially displays more pop culture as the content that according to my perception from his point a view will pose and produce cultural products that will be consumed by many—if it high cultural product it will turn to devaluation of its value.
In relation to cultural studies some concern on its impacts for instance some researchers examine how viewers as public sphere judge the TV programs, some considers on how it is related to social like whether TV will draw people together or isolate them. Some say it draws audience to be consumers. It leads children to toy manufacturer, leads teenage to bookstore or café, and lead adult to music recording or cinema.
In music we are led to understand that music contributes to youth culture. Popular music is generated by several background issues of gender, ethnicity, race, and sexuality. Music also contributes to germinate the concept of subculture in which some of their routines are commodified, like behavior and fashion. For instance I study on Metal Music by Skid Row songs; I may learn how at that time youth were fighting for identities through their behavior, and identities agains the X generation.
In terms of internet, people indirectly have created a techno-culture. Along with its super function of fast access to collect information the advent of World Wide Web transforms and contributes the structure socially and culturally.  
Identity marks individuals. Either represented or constructed identity maybe recognized through gender, race or ethnicity, and class.  Identities can be also seen from other traits like profession, socio-economic status, nationality, and region. In the book it has been mentioned that actually individuals have more than one identity. They have identities. Individual alone may have identity in terms of psychology but individual in certain group may be called as cultural identity. The writer points out a lot concerning on identity politics as it is probably believed that cultural study has embraced the most. Identity politics may refer to the desire for access, liberty, unprejudiced treatment.
Cultural studies is regarded as medium that sets identity politics into academic discourse in which it focuses on subordinated and marginal concerns and identities as form of constraint as part of social structure. Some identities are marginalized and demonized by the most powerful group in society so we can say that identity itself refers to the position of individuals as a group in social in which usually certain group who has powerful dominance can create insult to the subordinated one—say White’s dominance over black community.
The land of immigrant, the salad bowl, the melting pot, or other metaphors construct United States of America as a the most seen country which has been established its identity because of its multiculturalism. As briefly discussed above who doesn’t know white’s dominance over black community? How black community resist toward racism may have gone for decades. And it is such a comic how white make fun of fat lips of black people while on the way to school, pub, or home they listen to Eminem or hip-hop or RnB which literally origin by black community. This multiculturalism and race cases probably says it all as cultural studies embraces in learning cultural identities in which some identities are raising to be recognized.
Feminism and Queer Movement
In Culture Studies: A Critical Introduction Feminism movement in early time has a distinct visions; equality of rights and opportunities, end of male domination, and unfolding of a woman’s culture. Back then the first modern feminist argument was introduced by Mary Wollstonecraft who practiced an Enlightenment account of human nature and Enlightenment principles of justice and equality to gender divisions. It was said that the new industrial and professional workplaces, male solidarity and violence, along with the ideology of civil reform, marginalized the kind of feminism that Wollstonecraft had represented. Virginia Woolf stated that women position is subordinated; they do not have freedom because they do not have access to property that has been dominated by men.
Perception of gender equality in the past was based on men’s domination over women. But then Simon During shares that these days in the west women are not subordinated and discriminated as they once were. Most nations have legalized abortion and maternity leave. Sanctions against sexual harassment turn into routine. Feminism has all but withered at the same time. The movement tore itself apart. This movement actually is not about academic movement even it popularizes and leads women into university. It is stated that women’s studies has been slowly established since nineties feminism’s loss of steam and the backlash against it, women studies has been transform into gender studies.
Simon During puts equally queers movement (known as LGBT community) along with feminism as ones who culturally give a big impact towards society especially Western countries in the late twentieth century. He might draw this to conclusion on acceptance issue in which this case gay people scream to. On 27 June 1969 Stonewalls Riots broke in New York where the police raided the gay hang-out place in which The LGBT community fought back. The rally of gay and militant of group—based on feminist radicals, followed afterward. It is said that the gay movement political program require two aspects to pursue; the repeal of laws criminalizing same-sex acts and the admission of full civic rights to self identified gays. Cultural studies in here seems studying on how this community has been fighting for their right, for opportunity to embrace the same value, and possibly for their want to be regarded as “normal” as other citizens.

During, Simon. 2005. Cultural Studies: A Critical Introduction. Routledge: New York



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