
Katy Perry's Dark Horse: Promotes New Religion [?]

 American Popular Culture
 Katy Perry’s “Dark Horse” Music Video: Promotes New Religion [?]
The concern that I will further discuss in this paper is about the potential power of music video to shape people's mind attitude. To support this idea i take Katy Perry's music video since she is one of influential American artists--especially to her fans, and  she is so popular her appearances in her performances both on stages or in music videos that her personal style will attract people to have the same one. As she always appears uniquely her Dark Horse video is somehow provocative and represents something mystical and magical that some people may not know what message lies within and may just embrace it.

I employ several approaches including pop culture approach and semiotic approach.  Understanding American culture can be started by recognizing its cultural artifact like music in particular. Music can be a representation of American way of life. When it is consumed and accepted by many we may consider it as popular culture. Popular culture contributes to people’s changing lifestyle. Ryan (2010:108) in A Cultural Studies: A Practical introduction states that music is something people consciously choose to experience in certain contexts, e.g. concerts, dances and ceremonial events to something pervades our everyday life. Music for human agents contributes to persuade us to think and to act in particular ways—unconsciously follow our idol way of thinking and lifestyle. Semiotics in this paper contributes to share meaning of the sign that we can notice and observe in the Katy Perry’s Dark Horse— through image and lyric. Since many will consume (watch) her video not to deny that the video concept maker represents and promotes of his ideology. It is important employing semiotics approach because to study pop culture is to study meaning of cultural products as well.

A.    Katy Perry’s Popular Songs
People may have a crush on Katy Perry. Not only her lovely and unique appearances and performances she also comes up with songs which are loveable and sung by many whether or not they are fan. Her songs are received mostly positive reviews from music critics, with some noting its catchy melody and the song was commercially successful. The power of globalization, like the courtesy of youtube, has played the biggest part to satisfy many people around the world creating her music popular and become global taste displacing national border. Her music has somehow gained transnationality in many places. Storey, in his book Cultural Theory and Popular Culture 5th Edition: An Introduction elaborates Ray William concept of pop culture. “An obvious starting point in any attempt to define popular culture is to say that popular culture is simply culture that is widely favoured or well liked by many people.
I would say that opinion above says it all since Katy Perry is one of American singers who becomes the first female artist to produce five number-one Billboard Hot 100 (an American music industry standard popularity chart for singles issued weekly by Billboard magazine in which the chart rankings based on radio play, streaming online, and sales). This achievement makes her the second overall after Michael Jackson's Bad (1987) for her third album, Teenage Dream (2010) "California Gurls" and "Teenage Dream", "Firework", "E.T.", and "Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F.)". In March 2012, she re-released the album as Teenage Dream: The Complete Confection, which produces the number-one single "Part of Me". Her fourth album Prism (2013) launches two number-one singles “Roar” and “Dark Horse”.

B.     Presenting and Promoting New World Order
In Katy Perry’s “Dark Horse” music video, she plays the role as Katy-Patra, an evil, greedy, Pharaoh (Queen) with the magical powers who lives in Memphis, Egypt. The video appears colorful and takes place in Egypt.  The video unfolds like a story, beginning with the video’s trailer.  It tells us about the legend of Katy-Patra giving us memory about Cleopatra. Katy-Patra best portrays an elite who wants to conquer everything. The elite—to the concept maker, love to put “messages of ideology” in their productions.  They use symbols to communicate their plans while hiding them in plain sight and counting on the masses to be none the wiser while they sing along. 

Figure 2

Figure 3

Figure 4

Figure 6
Figure 7
Figure 8

The main story features Katy-Patra is visited by men and kings who bring her gifts to win her heart . But she ends up killing them all by shooting magic electric beams and turning them into red dust. In the video, the first man offers a giant diamond. Katy-Patra checks the diamond with her zoom lens in form of Horus-eye which is actually not transparent. (Figure 2) So she prefers seeing it with an eye of Horus representing greedy of elite. She destroys the first man. (Figure 3 and figure 4). The second man gives Katy-Patra some meals like from harvest representing a poor nation who offers their natural resources to the elite. (Figure 5) But Katy-Patra tastes it too hot so she destroys again the second man. The third man appears so appealing to her (Figure 6). He gives a power by presenting her a great gold and shiny pyramid (Figure 7) turning her more powerful and ready to create a new world order. (Figure 8) But unfortunately she turns the last man into Chihuahua dog. The video ends with all people worship her as a ruler.

Before concluding the issue represented let’s take a look on its lyrics. They are somehow written in a way supporting the image that we have observed before. Here are the lyrics of the song:

I knew you were, you were gonna come to me & here you are. But you better choose carefully. Cause I…I’m capable of anything, of anything, & everything. Make me your Aphrodite. Make me your one and only, But don’t make me your enemy, your enemy, your enemy. So you wanna play with magic. Boy you should know what you’re fallin’ for Baby do you dare to do this Cause I’m comin’ at you like a dark horse. Are you ready for Ready for A perfect storm Perfect storm? Cause once you’re mine. Once you’re mine, there’s no goin’ back. Mark my words. This love will make you levitate like a bird like a bird without a cage we’re down to earth If you choose to walk away Don’t walk away

The elite seem planning something. They like to display those plans within their media productions, including music videos.  This video is a way provoking. Once you’re mine (join the elite and play with magic) you can conquer the world. Magic is typically perpetuated by the Occult and forbidden by God but what really stands out here is her use of the phrase “dark horse“. In some articles dark horse refers to black horse like in Bible. Its rider was holding a pair of scales in his hand. And a voice from among the four living beings said, “A loaf of wheat bread or three loaves of barley for a day’s pay and don’t waste the olive oil and wine” (Revelation 6:5-6) the rider of this black horse is said will bring world-wide famine.  This could be caused by world war and economic collapse as result of the elite’s manipulation. A food shortage that spans the globe is a perfect storm (figure 7) that would welcome a false savior, the Antichrist, as the solution for mankind. Does this mean the elite’s goal to claim the world’s wealth and resources?  Is the “perfect storm” portrayed in the video represent they (The elite or Freemasonry) are promoting their plan to use to set the stage for their new world order occult religion?

Katy Perry’s Dark Horse music video story in my opinion is somehow provocative and represents something mystical and magical that some people may not understand what it means and may just embrace it. What I focus in this discussion is how cultural product like music video in particular can appear very attractive and become a global taste that many will embrace it without acknowledging the message that the elite may put in their production. Potential impact that is displayed is there are possibly women fan base that look on this video in a way how woman can make their choice. They probably unaware that symbols promoted in this video are well disposed to occultism—learning black magic. Or how many people will embrace symbols displayed by buying things associated with those symbols. Since Katy Perry’s popular songs are globalized and watched by many we may not understand the message but a mere entertainment. Sometimes it can be a comical how people say on behalf of enjoying music released by the elite while in fact that music are familiarizing them to consume their products and familiarizing them to embrace about magical practices way of life that is typically opposes many people’s belief.

Storey, John. 1993. Cultural Theory and Popular Culture A Reader Second Edition. The University of Georgia Press: Athen
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katy_Perry accessed on June, 22 2014 11.48 a.m.
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Billboard_Hot_100 accessed on June, 22 2014 11.52 a.m.




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