Cultural Studies: Transnationality, Globalization, and Postcoloniality

As Hanna Musiol says in A Cultural Studies: A Practical Introduction culture is practically shaped and shared by citizen in a nation-states which looks more or less homogenous, as she concludes that it is a national culture. In a loose understanding culture is defined within country's border with a little outside influence. 
For example, Korea, Japan, and China in many respects are different because it is undeniable that culture back then might be formed by geographical site. There is an inseparable interaction between human culture and their environment because environment nowadays still does affect to cultural practices in communities and later they turn to shape and reshape physical environment nearby.
Nevertheless Hanna points out that culture as a national trait become more or less an eighties or old-fashioned way of thinking. Korea, Japan, and China from historical issue somehow shares the same origin letter used for written communication with so called Hànzì, although afterward they will pronounce it Kanji in Japan and Hanja in Korea. She stresses out that many cultural nationalists ignore or reject about transnational dimension in culture practice and production and diversity of culture within one country. In other words, instead of sticking to each country’s unique ethnic and cultural character to one another, they in fact will share many cultural traits with their neighbor as this phenomenon is popularly known as transnationality. It is said that national culture can be influenced by the spread of globalization that has roots in colonial history and the era afterwards. Transnationality, globalization, and postcoloniality are interconnected and this discussion is all about. Hanna concerns on those three as they seemly contribute to produce a culture and they have their own approach to cultural studies. 

As said before in the introduction that transnationality and globalization and postcoloniality are interconnected phenomena and processes. According to Thomas Faist article: From Heterogeneties to Social (In)equalities, in the Debating Multiculturalism in the Nordic Welfare States; transnationality means that some agents are characterized by relatively dense and continuous cross-border transactions. It is not a new phenomenon that recent local culture have long been influenced and shaped by other cultures, the process increased by transnational movement of people through the migration, cultural products proliferation, and commodities distribution. As Noreene Janus said in the article Cloning the Consumer Culture that “transnational culture is a direct outcome of the internationalization of production and accumulation promoted through standardized development models and cultural forms”. That means that we can see American television program from our TV cable without need to go to America, since television has been going through a process of transnationalization. People can purchase international clothing brand through e-Bay, Supermarket, or Mall, even they can consume Sushi the original food from Japan at restaurant in Indonesia.
            The internationality that shapes people behavior and social culture takes the role on the increasing consumption of products and services from outside their origin country, this consumptive behavior is the main point of globalization. Globalization may lead to transnational phenomenon. The distribution of products and services globally to increasingly various local markets requires international brands to localize their products. So, international companies builds transnational needs and to sell them. Globalization strategies include the cross-border acquisition of brands to develop transnational brand portfolios divided into global and regional lines. The developments of communication (radio and TV) and social networking (Facebook and Twitter) technologies, in early of the twentieth century have improved communication over large distances, across national and physical borders. Globalization provokes complex interconnections across the world. People move across borders, capital travels across cities and nations, media exchanges are interlinked across the globe, cultures have acquired a mobility that brings about new “civilization of clashes” and struggles between people.
It is said that in cultural studies is that most of the global frameworks that regulate the flow of capital, goods, technology, and information also have roots in colonial history. In practice, the colonial systems concern in exploitation of economy and oppression of culture. If colonialism and globalization impose ideology of civilization, postcolonial studies more on the effects suffered by colonized people instead of the end of colonialism. Ryan and Musiol, referring to cultural studies, say that postcolonial study constitutes another ways of knowing how cultural exclusion lingers an effect on culture worldwide. For instance in US they describe how African Americans still endure difficulties to get acknowledged as their cultural products—writing, music, and visual art were not recognized as national culture in US in the beginning of twentieth century. In addition Ryan and Musiol give an example how oppression of African women still happens—by French middle-class people, reflected in French movie.
As response to the experience of colonization transnational cultural studies focuses on the way media form national cultures. Many national cultures have been in a state of nationalistic in their cultural policies. This was done by regulating the media and limiting foreign content and foreign private company access. Because of globalization a new media such as satellite television has come with its content promotes something new that is different from the local national culture. And this what Ryan and Musiol say about the culture of “modernity”. Many people around the globe share the same sense of what a “modern” lifestyle is happening then.

Globalization that is caused by postcoloniality has created complex culture across the world. First of all, as Ryan and Musiol said that colonial idea refers to the global frameworks which dominate capitalism power, technology, and information that flow around the world. Postcolonialism as the impact of the colonial power is connected to the rise of modernity. The impact of dominant power and oppression of culture, politic, and economic in the colonial era results in the globalization. The main globalization strategy, cross-border market acquisition, effects in the global market that increasingly flow to the social-culture of people in many countries. The globalization’s structure shapes the transnationality phenomenon—through the technology, information, and commodity that goes around and build the culture of “modernity”. People move across borders, products distribution across cities and nations, media exchanges are linked around the world. Since, cultures have acquired a mobility that brings about new “civilization of clashes” (Appadurai, 2006, p.16). As the conclusion, transnationality, globalization, and postcoloniality are interconnected and linked in important ways.


Janus, Noreene. Cloning the Consumer Culture. n.d., accessed from (June 9, 2014)
Peter, Kivisto and Osten Wahlbeck, editor. Debating Multiculturalism in the Nordic Welfare States. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. 2013
Ryan, Michael, Brett Ingram, and Hanna Musiol. Cultural Studies, A Practical Introduction. Singapore: Toppan Best-set Premedia Limited. 2010


Simon During's Sight to Media, Identity, and Gender & Sexuality

Summary of Cultural Studies: A Critical Introduction by Simon During

This is a reflective essay about cultural studies in a book by Simon During entitled Cultural Studies: A Critical Introduction. This time I will further give a brief explanation on my understanding how Simon During views Media and Public Sphere, Identity, and Gender & Sexuality.

Media and the Public Sphere
Simon During categorizes media that culturally evoke society, including Television, popular music, and internet and techno-culture. He contends that TV has special relation to cultural studies as it potentially shapes culture. It is pointed that TV potentially displays more pop culture as the content that according to my perception from his point a view will pose and produce cultural products that will be consumed by many—if it high cultural product it will turn to devaluation of its value.
In relation to cultural studies some concern on its impacts for instance some researchers examine how viewers as public sphere judge the TV programs, some considers on how it is related to social like whether TV will draw people together or isolate them. Some say it draws audience to be consumers. It leads children to toy manufacturer, leads teenage to bookstore or café, and lead adult to music recording or cinema.
In music we are led to understand that music contributes to youth culture. Popular music is generated by several background issues of gender, ethnicity, race, and sexuality. Music also contributes to germinate the concept of subculture in which some of their routines are commodified, like behavior and fashion. For instance I study on Metal Music by Skid Row songs; I may learn how at that time youth were fighting for identities through their behavior, and identities agains the X generation.
In terms of internet, people indirectly have created a techno-culture. Along with its super function of fast access to collect information the advent of World Wide Web transforms and contributes the structure socially and culturally.  
Identity marks individuals. Either represented or constructed identity maybe recognized through gender, race or ethnicity, and class.  Identities can be also seen from other traits like profession, socio-economic status, nationality, and region. In the book it has been mentioned that actually individuals have more than one identity. They have identities. Individual alone may have identity in terms of psychology but individual in certain group may be called as cultural identity. The writer points out a lot concerning on identity politics as it is probably believed that cultural study has embraced the most. Identity politics may refer to the desire for access, liberty, unprejudiced treatment.
Cultural studies is regarded as medium that sets identity politics into academic discourse in which it focuses on subordinated and marginal concerns and identities as form of constraint as part of social structure. Some identities are marginalized and demonized by the most powerful group in society so we can say that identity itself refers to the position of individuals as a group in social in which usually certain group who has powerful dominance can create insult to the subordinated one—say White’s dominance over black community.
The land of immigrant, the salad bowl, the melting pot, or other metaphors construct United States of America as a the most seen country which has been established its identity because of its multiculturalism. As briefly discussed above who doesn’t know white’s dominance over black community? How black community resist toward racism may have gone for decades. And it is such a comic how white make fun of fat lips of black people while on the way to school, pub, or home they listen to Eminem or hip-hop or RnB which literally origin by black community. This multiculturalism and race cases probably says it all as cultural studies embraces in learning cultural identities in which some identities are raising to be recognized.
Feminism and Queer Movement
In Culture Studies: A Critical Introduction Feminism movement in early time has a distinct visions; equality of rights and opportunities, end of male domination, and unfolding of a woman’s culture. Back then the first modern feminist argument was introduced by Mary Wollstonecraft who practiced an Enlightenment account of human nature and Enlightenment principles of justice and equality to gender divisions. It was said that the new industrial and professional workplaces, male solidarity and violence, along with the ideology of civil reform, marginalized the kind of feminism that Wollstonecraft had represented. Virginia Woolf stated that women position is subordinated; they do not have freedom because they do not have access to property that has been dominated by men.
Perception of gender equality in the past was based on men’s domination over women. But then Simon During shares that these days in the west women are not subordinated and discriminated as they once were. Most nations have legalized abortion and maternity leave. Sanctions against sexual harassment turn into routine. Feminism has all but withered at the same time. The movement tore itself apart. This movement actually is not about academic movement even it popularizes and leads women into university. It is stated that women’s studies has been slowly established since nineties feminism’s loss of steam and the backlash against it, women studies has been transform into gender studies.
Simon During puts equally queers movement (known as LGBT community) along with feminism as ones who culturally give a big impact towards society especially Western countries in the late twentieth century. He might draw this to conclusion on acceptance issue in which this case gay people scream to. On 27 June 1969 Stonewalls Riots broke in New York where the police raided the gay hang-out place in which The LGBT community fought back. The rally of gay and militant of group—based on feminist radicals, followed afterward. It is said that the gay movement political program require two aspects to pursue; the repeal of laws criminalizing same-sex acts and the admission of full civic rights to self identified gays. Cultural studies in here seems studying on how this community has been fighting for their right, for opportunity to embrace the same value, and possibly for their want to be regarded as “normal” as other citizens.

During, Simon. 2005. Cultural Studies: A Critical Introduction. Routledge: New York


The Impact of American Capitalism - Americanization Phenomenon

"Americanization Phenomenon"

What Capitalism can give?

Capitalism has amazingly promoted a system of "Free Will". However it tends to be benefits for few and certain group--the elites, and damages the interest of everyone else. Thanks (not) to 'Father'? Capitalists may deny that the poor are disadvantaged and unable to gain any wealth because they have none to begin with. But still they create credos to those who are poor that"free enterprise" system of capitalism is constructed so that anyone, with hardwork, can be successful and gain wealth.

Let's see the good news. Capitalism has increased production so people do not have to work a way too hard to meet their need like what the ancestors did. What they need for living is easily available. They can just grab it. Today people are more civilized than their ancestors. people in different countries become closer to each other. Transportation and communication development has facilitated people around the world to exchange ideas and culture. Capitalism also contributes in the field of industry, agriculture, and business which have also contributed to economic progress. It may also potentially leads to the lessening of differences based on race, creed, caste, and nationality—displacing borders. In the factory the workers and officials from different caste work hard with one another and work shoulder to shoulder. This system—I have no idea—brainwashes-like people to earn money as much as possible so that they will take things for granted in some aspects as long as what they are working on save their days.

American, the elites, may see it as a promising system. America becomes the only nation in the world which has power in many aspects like economy sector in particular. American capitalism is a symbol of economic strength and power. But it suggests that their power is a way too powerful. Capitalism is a moment of inventions. Many new machines and production of goods have been tremendously increasing to support their dream on behalf of “free will”. They go over border to expand their business, advertise very interesting products that no way people will ignore but buy them, and create consumerism culture. People outside America are much more likely American than they are in their origin country. They know better America more than their own national or even local culture. Americanization has played its part.
Americanization: History and Postcoloniality Issue

Before Elizabeth ruled (Mary era) it was said that many Puritans who found corruption in Catholics belief suffered from prosecutions well-known as Bloody Mary. Monarchy back then never embraced its people’s idea. The story continues as the Puritans finally made decision to travel to a land where the air of freedom can be achieved—America. But they still lived under British’s occupation until 1776. 

Colonial system is both cultural oppression and economic exploitation. In cultural studies postcoloniality contributes to the moment of enduring as result of colonialism. So it is more on the enduring effects instead of the end of colonialism itself. In other words the economic system that embraces “free will” (Capitalism) is how this all begins. It was presumably constructed against British monarchy system.

As a result of American capitalism Americanization may be considered as a part of a more general ‘change’ or ‘progress’. Americanization concept is not far from the ancestor-Puritans who in their belief characterize themselves as an exceptional or elected people which mean they are a excellent people. It may be one of their goals to attract people to watch, to observe, and to have the same ideology as they do. It is one of ways to shape our mind how American identity look like. 

Turning Table

American media especially Television program has big role to promote American products, customs, and lifestyles. Many British people are now Americanized. Many British cultural products are more acknowledged when adapted to American taste. America is somehow in a position that is a step further and advanced than British. 

American film-making technology is the most advanced in the world, creates a high-quality films with the spectacular visual that spends big-budget promotional campaigns of American film companies. The abundant budgets and superior technological resources also attract the directors, writers and best actors move to America. In many cases, it means that the American creativity is more attractive than that of other countries including British.

In some cases, an original story from British is Americanized by recasting its lead characters as American; say the first adaptation of the James Bond novel, Casino Royale, which is produced for CBS Television in 1954. In this version, the character of Bond — a British agent in the original novel and subsequent movie series — is changed into an American agent for the TV version. This movie is a big hit! The phenomenon and popular of “Harry Potter” and “Trilogy the Lord of The Ring” are believed more widespread and probably more booming in America instead of in Britain, the origin country and writers’ birth land.
The most popular singing talent show “American Idol” up to now is preparing their 14th Season. America holds the most seasons of all countries. It began airing on Fox on June 11, 2002, as an addition to the Idols format based on the British series Pop Idol which holds only two seasons. American Idol has since become one of the most successful shows in the history of American television. (
British music invasion in America, in 60’s may be phenomenon turning America into promising land to promote British culture but things may go reversely. British artists even now show up in red carpet for so many times in big event in America, say Simon Cowell (founder of The X Factor, Judge in Pop Idol, Britain's Got Talent and American Idol.) and Adele (singer). Their achievement is really amazing. But it is clear that they become popular because of American media. British brilliant ideas in entertainment are actually like a mining-land for America. So in some cases I think Americanization makes British cultural products become acknowledged as American’s.

Transnationality Issue: “Indonesian American”

It is not about Indonesian who is born in America but about how they appear more likely American than Indonesian at the recent days. The innovation principle of American capitalism has led the capitalists to create cultural products in a very persuading way so people will buy things they don’t need or will worship American way of life. Capitalism provokes people to be consumerist. We cannot escape capitalism, it’s on every billboard, every TV program. What they do is very attractive, their appearance are so brainwashing. 

Food, Film, and Music

American is well-known as fast food nation following the term of Mcdonaldization offering efficiency in which costumer in minimum time may get their stomach full. It stands for fast, friendly service, hygienic food preparation, clean, and inexpensive diets. It’s said to dominate food industry over the last thirty years now. Food and Beverage at recent time can be indicator of social status. There is possibly a “wow” factor when we can hang out with friends and have dine out in Solaria, McDonald, KFC, Starbucks, or the likes.

No less surprising is going out to XXI, Cineplex, or Cinema21 to watch Twilight, Transformer, or some great animated movies. Indonesians are now in crisis of appreciating their own. Many national capitalist in film industry creates movie with the similar and popular theme at that time. Let’s say around ten years ago Indonesian movie is flooded by Horror genre movies which are unfortunately tell lame and predictable stories and instead full of sexual stuffs. I myself find them shocking especially their hideous-nice-try movie titles—Suster Keramas, Setan Budeg, Kuntilanak Kesurupan,Hantu Jeruk Purut and other cheesy ones. Still, American movies, say Hollywood, are the real thing.

Indonesian Singing Talent shows are quite various since most of them are international level. For example, Indonesian Idol, X-Factor Indonesia, Indonesia Got Talent, The Voice, and AFI. Sense of Americanization can be clearly noticed by their song choice. When asked about musical influence or musical crush, many contestants of those shows pick American singer, like Whitney Houston, Mariah Carey, Rihanna, Katy Perry, Lady Gaga or male singers like Michael Jackson, Elvis Presley, Adam Levine, Chris Martin, Eminem, Jason Derulo, David Guetta, or others famous ones. Ahmad Dhani even insists that singer want-to be today should be able to sing western songs because he thinks that dreaming to be international singer is much more worth fighting for than dreaming themselves as nationalists only singing along Indonesian songs. In other word many Indonesian singer contestant prefer American taste than local.
Americanization is a term for the influence the United States has on the culture of other countries, such as their popular culture, cuisine, technology, business practices, or political techniques.

As manifestation of American capitalism Americanization may be considered as a part of a more general ‘change’ or ‘progress’. The power of love ‘to money’ results in economy domination around the world. Instead of using hard power Americanization appears transparent in educating people how to be American. Domineering is not always done by occupation but penetration culture to other countries may be the great weapon—Soft power. This phenomenon was presumably born as an effect of Brtisih colonialism. America is built to search freedom. People who lived miserably under British monarchy system were likely to embrace this promising land.

The power of Americanization in this paper contributes to British cultural products that seem to be acknowledged as American products. America seems to be “better image” of British. Many British brilliant ideas in entertainment are actually like a mining-land for America. In Indonesia people appear more American than Indonesian. American food, film, music becomes indicator what social class they belong to, what kind of people they are; modernist or traditionalist.

Ryan, Michael. Brett Ingram and Hanna Musiol. 2010. Cultural Studies: A Practical Introduction. Singapore: Toppan Best-set Premedia Limited.
Story Mike, Peter Child. 1997. British Cultural Identities. London: Routledge accessed on June, 25 2014 at 7.56 p.m. accessed on June, 26 2014 at 9.56 a.m.



Adapted from American identity slogan "A Salad Bowl" This blog contains various moments that The M-Stylist shares. It's me, M-Stylist -Moments Stylist. Sorry if the name is pretty lame and freak. But I love to be Freak! it's like my middle name *ups

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