

Shadow of Reformation and a Migration
When it comes to the promising land America says it all. People have their own motivation to immigrate to America. Stevenson states
Major changes in the pattern of immigration have been caused by wars, revolutions, periods of starvation, persecutions, religious intolerance, and in short, by any number of disasters which led people to believe that America was a better place to be.  (1998:23)
In 1830s U.S. newcomers began to increase about 600.00 visitors. He added that more than a million Irish moved to America between 1846 and 1851 to escape starvation and disease in Ireland.
Looking back history people had a journey to the new land to get a better life. The hopeful settlers may think that their utopian dream lied somewhere in that promising land. The Puritans in particular once had made a big choice ever. The experience of sorrow in the old days has been shadowed by Luther’s reformation who was believed initiating the movement toward what they believed as corrupted-rules committed in a church of England around 16th to 17th century after the accession of Elizabeth I. They presumed that the religious reformation in England had not been far enough in reforming doctrines and structure of the church, they were against made-up ritual that was not taught in Bible. So they wanted to purify their national church by eliminating every Catholic influence. Puritans attempted to change an Episcopal state system of church governance—in which bishop and king were the authorities (leader), into Presbyterian in which the highest position was the presbyters or the elders. They assumed that the concept of a King who governs the church system was an annexation between church authorities and politics. According to, Greg D. Feldmeth (2004) Puritanism belief and values include:
a.       A godly people were sober, hardworking, and responsible. English society had been corrupted by foreign influences and by disorder and needed to be purified
b.      Catholicism had undermined the relationship between good and individual
c.       Election and predestination—God chooses who is saved and who is damned. No one can earn salvation through works. Yet saints are responsible for their actions
d.      The congregation of saints chooses its members of, hires and fires its ministers and recognizes no other religious authority
e.       Worship should be plain, lack of mystery, and focus on God, no stained glass, instrumental music or arts
f.       Much value of education
g.      Intolerance error must be opposed and driven out

Before Elizabeth ruled (Mary era) it was said that many puritans suffered from prosecutions well-known as Bloody Mary. The story continues as the puritans finally made decision to travel to a land where the air of freedom can be achieved—America. This protestant movement originated and developed in England but the influence crossed over borders. They will become as what is called as Frontiers who give contribution in shaping the nation identity.

Shaping the States: Significance of Puritans and Frontiers Myth toward American Dream
American civilization was initiated by 13 colonies. These Britain-colonies encompassed Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Hampshire, New York, Delaware, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, North Carolina, Georgia, South Carolina, Massachusetts, and Virginia. The settlers are grouped into four including pilgrims and puritans, nobles, criminals, and Asian and African.
Although many perceive that promising land is a place where people may get the freedom it was said that to start a new life they were through bad situations, say bad weather, diseases; and rejection from the Natives—Indian and difficulties took time to find a well-suited job. But they just kept going. The air of breath of their passion is known as Frontiers.
Frederick Jackson Turner in his book The Significance of Frontiers in American History offers myths. Frontiers’ passion is essential in shaping the state which is free from England authority. It’s not just geographical border line but discovery spirit in life reformation and expanding a new land. Then, individualism is a spirit of resistant towards aristocracy, monopoly, and limitation of opportunity upon individual. Turner lastly shares that frontiers reflect revolutionary, a passion of revolution, justice, and equality.
The relationship of Puritans and Frontiers impacts on American society values in which the values becomes an essential instrument in shaping the American identities (American Dream) to be the way they look like in the present days. This reflects on American dream that freedom includes the opportunity for prosperity and success, and an upward social mobility achieved through hard work. (Wikipedia.com)
As explained above Puritanism as Frontiers introduces Protestants in America, makes a big impact on social values about hardworking and creates cultural identities and new civilization after their discovery of America. The movement suits well how American dreams come true.
Forefathers of what has become a famous concept, the American dream, the Puritans of the Massachusetts Bay colony developed a doctrine of exceptionalism, a term that originates in their exodus from the Old World to the New one. The Puritans, a society of the elect, a community of godly people was to finally achieve their dream in the Promised Land found in New England, a land that was rightfully theirs. The perspective marked by the concept of exceptionalism is, in fact, chronologically simultaneous with the birth of the idea of America and the American national identity (Spanos 2007: 36).
The third point of value and belief in Puritans on “God chooses who is saved and who is damned. No one can earn salvation through works. Yet saints are responsible for their actions” reflects that they are not fond of mixing between religion and government as this situation resembles how they eager to change the system when the King rules the church governance in England and best describes how American politics today that give no any intervention to religion.
In addition in their belief of the education value, Puritans shapes mind of the people that education is important. Back to 1603 during the protest in England “The Millenary Petition” was made in order to propose a change of church governance during reign of King James I. The positive result was the authorized Bible translation from Latin to English known as King James Version. In the seventeenth century, New England’s Puritan settlers stressed that everyone learn how to read the Bible. Puritan leaders began recommending this through the Massachusetts Bay School Law of 1642. This directive removed education responsibilities from the hands of the clergy and required that parents teach their children how to read and write. This situation reflects how enlightenment of education started especially in America and describes how many American are educated ones. (http://www.ushistoryscene.com/uncategorized/riseofpubliceducation/)

Internet Source:

http://www.gkri-exodus.org/image-upload/HIS 07 Sejarah Reformasi 7.pdf
Spanos, William V. 2007. American Exceptionalism, the Jeremiad, and the Frontier: From the Puritans to the Neo-Con-Men, in “Boundary”, 2007, no. 2, spring, pp 35–66.
Stevenson, Douglas K. 1998. American Life and Institutions Revised Edition. Washington DC: FPG International LLC



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