To elaborate the people’s perception on image building of Solo as Mice City
To explain the contribution of Solo Tourism Bureau in Building Image of Solo as Mice City

Chapter Background
Jokowi, major of Solo City, has successfuly created Solo’s image through its Javanese Cultural aspect. But Why is there a discourse ‘Solo as Mice City’ all of sudden? For what?

Chapter Methodology
The researcher employs qualitative descriptive technique by alloting questionnaire or depth-interview with key person in Solo Tourism Bureau and Solo City Government, and other publics about The Major Jokowi project about Solo as Mice City.
People in the Bureau will be internal source while people from the govt, and other publics, like local people/community, the academics, or the practitionaires will be the external.
The questionnaire covers several questions i.e. the people know or not-know about this discourse, do they agree (is it okay? WHY?), the advantage?

Chapter Discussion
1.      Showing results of the questionnaire. This is just additional information to show whether or not the major’s discourse is beneficial to some aspects.
2.      Explaining the efforts from the People of Bureau. Who else contributing?
3.      Identifying problems faced by People of Bureau in implementing their efforts.
4.      Mentioning MICE event successfully held in Solo. Who is the organizer? Describe in detail!

Chapter Literature Review
MICE as Tourism Purposes
The promotion of Tourist interest

designed by Cahya Ferry Kusuma


Dog Tired !

(Sometimes) life is a race, guys! There is competition. We need to work very very hard. We have to work like dog. But, kadang bekerja terlalu intens tuh juga akan mengurangi stamina dalam tubuh. The world emang kadang exhausting. Jalan satu-satu nya ya istirahat Sleeping Booty a.k.a. Tidur Mowoh... ohhh :o Orang Amerika nih guys, sanes Amriki, kalo kecapekan abis buanting utang eh tulang, mereka menyebutnya Dog Tired! jadi kita tuh disamain ma anjing guys, hloh! hehe. Be-te-we, kok ngomongin anjing mulu' ya... Ini kan bukan majalah satwa coy. So, this moment kita mo bahas soal "Kecapekan" bahasa Inggerris nyah "Tepar".

Jadi guys kalo kita capek tuh sebenarnya kita kek semacam keracunan. Ketika tubuh mulai bekerja ada asam laktat yang diproduksi oleh tubuh. Ketika asam tersebut dihilangkan dari otot yang letih maka kita bisa bekerja lagi, guys! Ato ga usah di ilang in aja ya udah pe-we nih.. ;p

Lanjut! dalam kesehariannya nih guys kita tuh sebener e meracuni diri sendiri dengan asam laktat tersebut, (emang magic mushroom doank yang bisa? x'D ) Ada semacam subtsansi ato toksin yang dihasilkan ketika kita melakukan aktivitas otot. Nah, toksin tersebut dibawa melalui peredaran darah lalu diedarkan ke seluruh tubuh, jadi ga cuma otot aja yang stress n capek, tapi juga seluruh bagian tubuh termasuk Otak kita!

Para peneliti telah melakukan riset yang menarik soal kecapekan ini guys. Kalo seekor anjing (nah lho anjing lagi,,) kalo anjing dibuat melakukan aktifitas ampe capek and ketiduran, trus darahnya diambil n ditransfusikan ke tubuh anjing lain maka Jeng Jeng Jeng! anjing tersebut ikutan capek guys... begitu juga sebaliknya, kalo anjing yang masi seger buger diambil darahnya lalu ditransfusikan ke anjing yang kelelahan maka anjing yg capek tersebut bisa bangun lagi... So, buat eloh yang sulit bangun minta darah aja ma tuh doggy hihi..

Kecapekan ini sebenarnya ga cuma hasil dari proses kimiawi tapi juga proses biologis. Kita ga bisa begitu aja menghilangkan rasa capek, kita kudu, wajib, fardhu 'ain, mengistirahatkan tubuh kita. Because what? ada sel-sel rusak yang perlu diganti, saraf otak juga perlu di recharge, and sendi-sendi perlu juga diberi pelumas ulang. And... Sleeping is always necessary untuk memulihkan energi setelah bekerja seharian.
Namun, ada hal unik nih guys soal proses meng-istirahat-kan diri. Contohnya seseorang yang lembur semaleman duduk di kursi ada kemungkinan kalo ngerasa capek ga langsung tidur, tapi malah jalan bentar dulu... begitu juga anak-anak yang abis pulang sekolah. Mereka tuh kadang abis nyampe rumah ga istirahat malah mblayang lari-lari maen kemana-kemana. Eloh masa kecil abis school kemana? tidur siang mulu ya... you are so Cool...oen ! X'O (gueh banget tuh)
Jadi inti pokok masalah di atas tuh, kalo salah satu, dua, tiga aku sayang ibu..he. Kalo salah satu tubuh kita katakanlah mata, otak, tangan, ato kaki merasa keletihan, the best way biar tuh bagian seger lagi adalah dengan membuat anggota tubuh lain menjadi aktif! Kita bisa istirahat dengan melakukan kegiatan, see! Dengan kegiatan secara ga sadar kita tuh melakukan respirasi, sirkulasi darah lebih cepat, kelenjar tubuh jadi lebih aktif dan racun-racun yang bikin capek tuh akan dihilangkan dari bagian tubuh yang letih. 
Tapi kalo bener-bener capek guys, jangan dipaksain beraktifitas, just go take a rest n get some sleep! euhkay?? :)  

composed by Cahya Ferry Kusuma
Adapted from the book "Tell Me Why" Chapter "Human Body - Why Do We Get Tired?"



To evaluate the existing promotional activity in “Mandiri Tour and Travel” Surakarta
To identify the strength, weakness, opportunities, threat of “Mandiri Tour and Travel” Surakarta (it is optional since it may become source to make promotion plan)
To propose possible strategic planning to promote service of  “Mandiri Tour and Travel” Surakarta in order to attract customer as well as to increase its sale

Chapter Discussion
The researcher may identify the activity of the staff to promote the service along with the problem. OR he can employ the management first by employing SWOT (strength, weakness, opportunities, threat) analysis.
The promotion plan refers to promotion mix which is well known as concept or means of promotion. Promotion Mix consists of advertising, personal selling, public relation, sales promotion, direct marketing, words of mouth, and sponsorship.
OR the promotion plan may cover the concept of 4Ps (products, price, place, and promotion)

Chapter Literature Review
The researcher should at least discuss the following subchapters:
A little bit about tourism industry (travel agency)
The importance of Promotion
Promotion Mix
The 4Ps Concept
SWOT Analysis.
designed by Cahya Ferry Kusuma


Mengapa kita perlu garam?

Tubuh manusia tersusun atas 47,5 liter cairan. Kenyataanya sebagian besar organ tubuh kita memiliki kandungan zat cair. Misalnya, otot 75% tersusun atas cairan, pada hati 75% , 79% pada otak, dan 83% pada ginjal.
“Cairan tubuh” ini bukanlah sepenuhnya air, namun berupa larutan garam. Mengapa demikian? Berdasarkan suatu teori ilmiah, semua hewan, termasuk manusia merupakan keturunan organisme yang dulu hidup di dalam air. Cairan tubuh organisme tersebut merupakan air laut.
Ketika pindah ke dataran kering, mereka tetap menyimpan cairan tubuh tersebut. Namun di daratan tersebut secara alami tidak mampu menyediakan garam yang cukup. Sebagaimana garam mudah larut dalam air dataran padat tersebut kehilangan banyak garam karena garam yang ada telah larut ke sungai dan samudra terbawa oleh air hujan. Hal inilah yang menyebabkan tanaman yang tumbuh di daratan tidak banyak mengandung garam.
Hal tersebut menjadi penyebab mengapa hewan pemakan tumbuhan memerlukan garam. Setiap hari tubuh akan kehilangan sejumlah cairan yang mengandung garam dan makanan yang berasal dari tumbuhan tidak mampu menggantinya. Hewan pemakan daging tidak perlu tambahan garam. Mereka mendapat semua garam yang dibutuhkan dari cairan tubuh si mangsa. Hal ini juga berlaku pada manusia. Contohnya, orang Eskimo sebagian besar makan daging sehingga tidak perlu lagi mencari banyak garam.
Orang yang tinggal di pedalaman biasanya sangat membutuhkan garam. Di zaman Mexico kuno garam dianggap hal yang sangat penting sehingga terdapat yang namanya Dewa Garam. Dan seperti yang kita tahu pada zaman dahulu di Eropa orang-orang di bayar untuk berkerja mencari garam. Kata salary dalam Bahasa Inggris yang berarti upah sebenarnya berhubungan dengan  kata garam dalam Bahasa Latin.
Di dalam tubuh manusia garam berkumpul sebagian besar di kulit. Jika seseorang makan makanan yang tidak mengandung garam, maka darah akan kehilangan zat garam tersebut melalui ekskresi. Kemudian garam pada kulit akan disalurkan ke darah sehingga darah akan tetap menyimpan konsentrasi garam. Ketika hal ini terjadi dimana kulit akan terus memberikan cadangan garamnya ke darah, maka akan menimbulkan efek yang positif bagi pederita penyakit kulit. Maka dari itu makanan bebas garam sering dianjurkan bagi orang yang menderita penyakit khusus.
Garam sebagian besar diproses dan dikeluarkan oleh ginjal. Ketika ginjal mengalami gangguan, para pasien akan diberi makanan yang mengandung sedikit garam sehingga ginjal tidak akan bekerja secara berlebihan.

Translated by 
Cahya Ferry Kusuma 

"Tell Me Why?" Chapter3: Why do We Need Salt? Page.266

Quarts             : ukuran – 1,14 litres UK & 0,95 litre US
Amazingly       : dengan mengagumkan/mengejutkan
Liver                : hati
Kidney             : ginjal
Solution           : larutan
Scientific         : ks. secara ilmiah
Descendants    : (memiliki) keturunan/asal usul
Retain              : tetap/masih menyimpan/membawa
Dissolve          : larut
Crave -ing       : meminta/perlu
Inland              : daerah jauh dari pantai
Give up           : menyerah/berhenti
Prescribe          : resep
Chiefly            : terutama
So as                : supaya/sehingga
Overwork        : terlalu banyak bekerja


Properties - Antiquité


Bulidings - Le Musée

Le Musée de Batik Danar Hadi


Human - Un bébé

Un bébé - Thirst of Affection

photo was taken via Smartfren Andromax I
visit my instagram :


It's FunBatiks !

Here, the moment when I hopped on Museum Batik Danar Hadi in Solo, So many fascinating Batik Crafter ( Batiker) paint their wax of art into masterpiece.

 Cap tool. A Stamp used to put the wax on cloth made of copper due to its specialty on heat-proof.
 Nutup. the activity of covered the colored areas on cloth after dipping process.
A Middle-age lady blows the the tip of canthing so the wax will not get stuck inside. She's responsible for Nglowong, the process of putting the wax on the oultines of the motifs/patterns.

(photo from internet)

Canthing. A pen-like tool to put the wax on cloth. When you put the wax with it yours will be called as Batik Tulis (Handmade Batik) that will cost an arm and a leg! So hold the Gagang-the handler, then you take the melted wax in Nyamplung or Small container (see the pict). But sometimes you have to blow Cucuk the tip of the little tube because the melted wax gets frozen so easily and stucks the tube.

(photo from internet)

Malam (Batik wax) on a traditional stove is ready to burn ! Do not forget to use that bamboo fan cause it will be very hot...

 Makaryo Buk? Cemungudth eahh...

Most photos were taken by Cahya Ferry Kusuma via Smartfren Andromax I
visit my instagram :


Human - Un bébé

Kids are special ! They never stop surprising people with their cutey routine,
like this one... 
Morning break is a great moment to get some fresh air, enjoy beautiful scenery, and fresh brain out !
He's a great deal!

photo was taken via Smartfren Andromax I
visit my instagram :


Mengapa gigitan nyamuk terasa gatal?

Pernahkah anda mendengar ungkapan, “Spesies betina itu lebih mematikan daripada spesies jantan”? Pastinya hal ini berlaku pada nyamuk karena nyamuk betina-lah yang hanya menghisap darah. Mulut nyamuk betina memiliki semacam alat tusuk yang tajam yang terletak di sekeliling tabung penghisap. Ketika menggigit, nyamuk tersebut akan menyuntikkan racun ke dalam darah yang akan menimbulkan rasa sakit dan gatal dan menghasilkan bentol-bentol. 
Selain gigitannya, suara berdengung nyamuk mungkin adalah hal yang paling menjengkelkan. Dengungan tersebut ternyata sangat penting bagi mereka karena berfungsi sebagai ajakan untuk kawin. Sang jantan akan membuat dengungan yang rendah dan dalam melalui kepakan sayap yang cepat sedangkan si betina membuat dengungan yang nyaring. 
Nyamuk bisa dijumpai di segala penjuru di seluruh dunia. Tetapi dimanapun mereka tinggal pasti akan menempati daerah yang berair. Nyamuk betina akan meletakkan telur-telurnya di atas permukaann kolam, genangan air, tong, oase gurun, bahkan dalam kaleng. Setiap betina akan menelurkan 40 sampai 400 telur. Telur-telur itu diletakkan satu persatu maupun berderet rapi. 
Kurun waktu seminggu telur-telur itu akan menetas menjadi larva. Mereka akan sering terlihat menggeliat-geliat sehingga sering disebut “penggeliat”. Karena tidak mampu bernafas di dalam air larva-larva tersebut akan menghabiskan waktu diatas permukaan air. Di atas sana mereka mendapatkan udara melalui tabung pernafasan yang berada di bagian ekor. Mereka juga menaruh serat-serat binatang atau tumbuhan ke dalam mulut melalui kepala mereka yang berbulu. 
Setelah tumbuh, maka larva-larva itu akan berganti kulit. Setelah empat kali berganti kulit, larva berubah menjadi pupa. Pupa akan menghabiskan banyak waktu di dekat permukaan air dan bernafas melalui tabung yang menyerupai tanduk yang terletak di punggungnya. Mereka tidak makan. Setelah beberapa hari kulit mereka akan tanggal dan nyamuk dewasa mulai keluar. 
Nyamuk dewasa biasanya mampu bertahan hidup selama beberapa minggu. Pada spesies-spesies lain, selama satu tahun bisa terdapat 12 generasi nyamuk.

 translated by
Cahya Ferry Kusuma

"Tell Me Why" Chapter 4: Why do Mosquito Bites Itch? Page 371

Bill                  :mulut, paruh
Pierce(ing)       : tajam menusuk
Swelling          :bengkak
Hum                :dengungan
Shriller            :nyaring
Deposit           :menumpuk, menaruh
Barrel              :tong
Tin                   :kaleng
Singly              : 1afterAnother/1per1
Compact         : padat/rapi
Masses            : dalam juml banyak
Wriggle           :menggeliat
Weave             :merajut
Bits of             :sedikit
Molt                :berganti bulu/kulit
Shed                :berganti bulu/kulit



Kita mungkin berpikir bahwa penjara adalah suatu tempat di mana pria dan wanita ditahan karena melanggar hukum. Namun hal itu merupakan perkembangan modern dalam sejarah penjara.
Beberapa abad silam, para bangsawan dan orang-orang penting sering ditangkap dan dipenjara untuk balas dendam sampai mereka ditebus. Tidak sampai abad 19 penjara mulai digunakan sebagai tempat untuk menghukum atau tempat memperbaiki diri bagi para pelanggar hukum.
Sebelumnya, penjara merupakan tempat bagi para terdakwa pelanggar hukum sampai pengadilan digelar. Setelah diadili, hukuman harus segera dilaksanakan. Mereka tidak dihukum untuk bekerja di penjara. Mereka yang sudah terbukti bersalah akan dijatuhi hukuman mati, hukuman cambuk, hukuman fisik lain, ataupun harus membayar denda.
Berangsur-angsur manusia tahu bahwa hukuman penjara semacam ini tidak menghentikan orang lain untuk melakukan tindak kejahatan. Hukuman penjara hanyalah semacam pengganti hukuman mati atau hukuman fisik semata.
Di Inggris dan di beberapa negara Eropa telah dibangun tempat khusus yang disebut sebagai “work-house” atau “house of correction” kurang lebih setelah tahun 1550. Tempat-tempat tersebut dipakai untuk menampung para pengemis, gelandangan, pembelot, orang yang tidak mampu melunasi hutang, dan orang-orang yang melakukan pelanggaran-pelanggaran ringan.
Segera “work-house” tersebut kemudian dipakai untuk menahan orang-orang yang melakukan pelanggaran berat. Namun tempat tersebut tidaklah cukup aman untuk menahan para tahanan dalam kurun waktu yang lama. Saat itulah penjara mulai dibangun dengan penjagaan yang jauh lebih ketat.
Sebagian besar penjara-penjara ini bukanlah tempat yang layak untuk ditinggali. Tempatnya kotor, penerangannya buruk, dan dingin. Makanannya tidak enak dan perlakuannya kasar. Para tahanan dikumpulkan bersama dari yang muda sampai yang tua, orang yang baru melakukan pelanggaran pertama kali maupun kriminal besar. Di sana tidak ada pekerjaan maupun program pelatihan. Para tahanan hanya duduk bermalas-malasan.
Pada akhir abad 18 orang-orang mendesak agar rumah tahanan segera diperbaiki dan cara yang lebih baik dalam menjaga para tahanan dikembangkan. Pada saat itu penjara mulai berubah dan sampai saat ini orang-orang mulai percaya bahwa penjara harus menjadi tempat yang mampu memberikan perubahan yang lebih baik bagi para tahanan. Ada beberapa program yang sangat luas yang diperuntukkan bagi para tahanan seperti bantuan secara medis maupun psikologis, kegiatan rekreasi, maupun kegiatan pembelajaran.

Translated by Cahya Ferry Kusuma
"Tell Me Why?" Chapter 2: How did prisons originate? Page 182

Noble              : bangsawan
Ransom           : tebus
Accused of      : tertuduh
Trial                 : pengadilan (sidang)
Sentence          : hukuman/ penalty/punishment
Carry out         :melakukan, melaksanakan
Imprisonment  : hukuman penjara
Imprison          : memenjarakan
Vagabonds      : gelandangan
Deserter           : pembelot
Offense           : pelanggaran
Thus                :demikian
Unfit               : tak pantas
Harsh               : kasar
Inmate             : tahanan
Idle                  : ks. Bermalas-malasan
Urge                : mendesak
Considerably   : kk. dengan sangat
Extensive        : luas, besar
Originate         : berasal,bermula, asal mula
Fine                 : denda
Be put to         : dijatuhi


Glimpse of American and British Identity

We will talk about the integration of US and UK in institution lifes. In developing of US (United States) and UK (United Kingdom) these both countries are integrated each other. They have something in common in their life such as the use of English for their language. However, as the day goes by there are some differences that make them different as the way they are today. This discourse will discuss further about general history from both countries, and their identity such as culture, and population. 
General History
 “America is so vast that almost everything said about it is likely to be true and the opposite is probably equally true” James T. Farrell”
In 1492 the explorer, Christopher Colombus found the land that now is named America. When, he found the land there was native who lived in the land, they're the Indian. There is term for this land, “This land is your land”. It means promissing land that all people will come and own the land.
Years to years people start to immigrate to America. Like famous group coming from British after they protest to the church community—Roman Catholic, who commit many deviation. This group, called “Protestant” then became the beginning of the white people living in. Nevertheles colonies living in America immigrating from Britain were still under influence of the parlement of this Kingdom. The feeling of freedom from these colonies led to big War. In 1775 there was an American Revolution against Britain parlement which then lead to the independence day of America declared on July 4th 1776 of which George Washington as the first president.
After declaration of Independence, people’s interest from around the world to live in America seems to increase. Therefore it’s been called as Nation of Immigrants. It is supported by population number which has been shown through census done in 1990. The result tells us that this state is dominated 80% of white people (italy, Germany, Ireland, Puerto Rico, etc.), 12% of black from Africa, 8,9% of Hispanic, and others from Asian countries that reaches into 3,9%.

Culture and Identities
Different nationalities and ethnic groups which make America right now, some have quickly assimilated. The process of assimilation or americanization then popular as part of the “melting pot”. It is like metaphor describing heterogeneous society becoming more homogeneous, the different elements “melting together” into a harmonious whole with a common culture. the "melting pot" process has been equated with Americanization, that is, cultural assimilation and acculturation.
The "melting pot" reflects both a melting of cultures and intermarriage of ethnicities, besides that cultural assimilation or acculturation can also happen without intermarriage. Thus African-Americans are fully culturally integrated into American culture and institutions. Centuries after the abolition of slavery, intermarriage between African-Americans and other ethnicities is much less common than between different white ethnicities, or between white and Asian ethnicities. Intermarriage between whites and non-whites, and especially African-Americans, has long been a taboo in the United States, and was illegal in many US states until 1967.
Besides intermarriage let’s see on Black race music like RnB and Jazz. Some best singers are born from black people. The story they have got through hard days in slavery time makes them want to go to the church for protesting and praying. People sing at church. That’s why singing sometimes is not a big deal for them. American loves Beyonce. It means the assimilation process between black and white people is strongly seen here.

Brief History
The British isles (Briton) were invaded by the Roman in the first century AD and selted by Germanic tribes, the Jutes, Anglo and Saxon. The invasion of the three has driven the native celts to the western parts of Scotland, Cornwall, Ireland, and Wales. In 1066, Britain’s last invasion from overseas was happened. When it was conquered by Normans, Viking settlers from Northern France.
-          Magna Carta in 1215
Magna Carta was the first document forced onto a King of England by a group of his subjects, the feudal barons, in an attempt to limit his powers by law and protect their privileges.”
The charter was an important part of the extensive historical process that led to the rule of constitutional law in the English speaking world. Magna Carta was important in the colonization of America in legaling England's system function as a model for many of the colonies as they were developing their own legal systems.
The 1215 charter required King John of England to proclaim certain liberties and accept that his will was not arbitrary.
example by explicitly accepting that no "freeman" (in the sense of non-serf) could be punished except through the law of the land, a right that still exists.
Middle Age (19th century)
-          Accession of Henry VII (1509)
-          Accession of Elisabeth I (1558)
-          Accession of Shakespeare (1616)
This is often taken to be the start of modern Engand because it inclluded the revival of clasic learning, dicover of america introduction of printing press begining of church of England and no table military succeses such as ; the defeat of spanish armada, English Civil War, The Glorious Evolution of 1688, American War Independent.
Culture and Identities
According to Wikipedia,
“The Kingdom of England – which after 1284 included Wales – was a sovereign state until 1 May 1707, when the Acts of Union put into effect the terms agreed in the Treaty of Union the previous year, resulting in a political union with the Kingdom of Scotland to create the new Kingdom of Great Britain. In 1801, Great Britain was united with the Kingdom of Ireland through another Act of Union to become the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. In 1922, the Irish Free State was established as a separate dominion, but the Royal and Parliamentary Titles Act 1927 reincorporated into the kingdom six Irish counties to officially create the current United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

In short, the British is popular with the monarchy government. We can conclude that a system is created by the union of the kingdoms. The system has been applied from generation to generation, such as in successing the King or Queen of the kingdom as the leader of a nation.
Style and Identities
Accent is very important in British life from capital to regions. The style of British pronunciation begin since English spoken by Queen or announcer in BBC World Service 20 years ago. It was known as a guide to correct pronunciation all around Britain.
Besides accent, character or identity of a nation sometimes is also inspired by famous stories. Dickens’s A Christmast Carol is believed as a potent narrative in British mythology, tells about self-knowledge; educates on the importance of understanding the individual’s responsbility within society and the significance of history which can shape an identity. British becomes popular when Shakespeare introuduced comedy prose into history in the late 1950. His pieces consists of Henry IV, Henry V, and very phenomenal romantic tragedy story, Romeo and Juliet. His works then inspires many art workers in this modern time for example, a well-known sitcom Mr. Bean and even Romeo and Juliet becomes one of stories that has been reproduced into movies many times.
The very influential british band, The Beatles, makes the uniques style with their fashion in 60s. It reflects strong influence its fans and audience to live in style as they are. It greatly increase the attraction of Rock n Roll music genre around the world.

Stevenson, Douglas K. 1992. American Life and Institutions. Washington DC: FPG International LLC
Story Mike, Peter Child. 1997. British Cultural Identities. London. Routledge

Created altogether by:
Cahya Ferry Kusuma                                                                           
Faisal Agata A                                                                                                    
Hafidh Mahzum Al B



Adapted from American identity slogan "A Salad Bowl" This blog contains various moments that The M-Stylist shares. It's me, M-Stylist -Moments Stylist. Sorry if the name is pretty lame and freak. But I love to be Freak! it's like my middle name *ups

Like all nerd as usual, in this blog I nerdly capture things I love, share my style of mind, post my God-bless Paper, and... lemme figure what's next...

Have Fun Reading Nerds!

The Jakarta Post Breaking News