
Glimpse of American and British Identity

We will talk about the integration of US and UK in institution lifes. In developing of US (United States) and UK (United Kingdom) these both countries are integrated each other. They have something in common in their life such as the use of English for their language. However, as the day goes by there are some differences that make them different as the way they are today. This discourse will discuss further about general history from both countries, and their identity such as culture, and population. 
General History
 “America is so vast that almost everything said about it is likely to be true and the opposite is probably equally true” James T. Farrell”
In 1492 the explorer, Christopher Colombus found the land that now is named America. When, he found the land there was native who lived in the land, they're the Indian. There is term for this land, “This land is your land”. It means promissing land that all people will come and own the land.
Years to years people start to immigrate to America. Like famous group coming from British after they protest to the church community—Roman Catholic, who commit many deviation. This group, called “Protestant” then became the beginning of the white people living in. Nevertheles colonies living in America immigrating from Britain were still under influence of the parlement of this Kingdom. The feeling of freedom from these colonies led to big War. In 1775 there was an American Revolution against Britain parlement which then lead to the independence day of America declared on July 4th 1776 of which George Washington as the first president.
After declaration of Independence, people’s interest from around the world to live in America seems to increase. Therefore it’s been called as Nation of Immigrants. It is supported by population number which has been shown through census done in 1990. The result tells us that this state is dominated 80% of white people (italy, Germany, Ireland, Puerto Rico, etc.), 12% of black from Africa, 8,9% of Hispanic, and others from Asian countries that reaches into 3,9%.

Culture and Identities
Different nationalities and ethnic groups which make America right now, some have quickly assimilated. The process of assimilation or americanization then popular as part of the “melting pot”. It is like metaphor describing heterogeneous society becoming more homogeneous, the different elements “melting together” into a harmonious whole with a common culture. the "melting pot" process has been equated with Americanization, that is, cultural assimilation and acculturation.
The "melting pot" reflects both a melting of cultures and intermarriage of ethnicities, besides that cultural assimilation or acculturation can also happen without intermarriage. Thus African-Americans are fully culturally integrated into American culture and institutions. Centuries after the abolition of slavery, intermarriage between African-Americans and other ethnicities is much less common than between different white ethnicities, or between white and Asian ethnicities. Intermarriage between whites and non-whites, and especially African-Americans, has long been a taboo in the United States, and was illegal in many US states until 1967.
Besides intermarriage let’s see on Black race music like RnB and Jazz. Some best singers are born from black people. The story they have got through hard days in slavery time makes them want to go to the church for protesting and praying. People sing at church. That’s why singing sometimes is not a big deal for them. American loves Beyonce. It means the assimilation process between black and white people is strongly seen here.

Brief History
The British isles (Briton) were invaded by the Roman in the first century AD and selted by Germanic tribes, the Jutes, Anglo and Saxon. The invasion of the three has driven the native celts to the western parts of Scotland, Cornwall, Ireland, and Wales. In 1066, Britain’s last invasion from overseas was happened. When it was conquered by Normans, Viking settlers from Northern France.
-          Magna Carta in 1215
Magna Carta was the first document forced onto a King of England by a group of his subjects, the feudal barons, in an attempt to limit his powers by law and protect their privileges.”
The charter was an important part of the extensive historical process that led to the rule of constitutional law in the English speaking world. Magna Carta was important in the colonization of America in legaling England's system function as a model for many of the colonies as they were developing their own legal systems.
The 1215 charter required King John of England to proclaim certain liberties and accept that his will was not arbitrary.
example by explicitly accepting that no "freeman" (in the sense of non-serf) could be punished except through the law of the land, a right that still exists.
Middle Age (19th century)
-          Accession of Henry VII (1509)
-          Accession of Elisabeth I (1558)
-          Accession of Shakespeare (1616)
This is often taken to be the start of modern Engand because it inclluded the revival of clasic learning, dicover of america introduction of printing press begining of church of England and no table military succeses such as ; the defeat of spanish armada, English Civil War, The Glorious Evolution of 1688, American War Independent.
Culture and Identities
According to Wikipedia,
“The Kingdom of England – which after 1284 included Wales – was a sovereign state until 1 May 1707, when the Acts of Union put into effect the terms agreed in the Treaty of Union the previous year, resulting in a political union with the Kingdom of Scotland to create the new Kingdom of Great Britain. In 1801, Great Britain was united with the Kingdom of Ireland through another Act of Union to become the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. In 1922, the Irish Free State was established as a separate dominion, but the Royal and Parliamentary Titles Act 1927 reincorporated into the kingdom six Irish counties to officially create the current United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

In short, the British is popular with the monarchy government. We can conclude that a system is created by the union of the kingdoms. The system has been applied from generation to generation, such as in successing the King or Queen of the kingdom as the leader of a nation.
Style and Identities
Accent is very important in British life from capital to regions. The style of British pronunciation begin since English spoken by Queen or announcer in BBC World Service 20 years ago. It was known as a guide to correct pronunciation all around Britain.
Besides accent, character or identity of a nation sometimes is also inspired by famous stories. Dickens’s A Christmast Carol is believed as a potent narrative in British mythology, tells about self-knowledge; educates on the importance of understanding the individual’s responsbility within society and the significance of history which can shape an identity. British becomes popular when Shakespeare introuduced comedy prose into history in the late 1950. His pieces consists of Henry IV, Henry V, and very phenomenal romantic tragedy story, Romeo and Juliet. His works then inspires many art workers in this modern time for example, a well-known sitcom Mr. Bean and even Romeo and Juliet becomes one of stories that has been reproduced into movies many times.
The very influential british band, The Beatles, makes the uniques style with their fashion in 60s. It reflects strong influence its fans and audience to live in style as they are. It greatly increase the attraction of Rock n Roll music genre around the world.

Stevenson, Douglas K. 1992. American Life and Institutions. Washington DC: FPG International LLC
Story Mike, Peter Child. 1997. British Cultural Identities. London. Routledge

Created altogether by:
Cahya Ferry Kusuma                                                                           
Faisal Agata A                                                                                                    
Hafidh Mahzum Al B



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