
Nature Moment - Twilight

photo was taken via Smartfren Andromax I
visit my instagram : http://instagram.com/kusumafc

I'll let Christina Perry to sing now;

"I have done everything wai......ting for you! " 

This song is worth sung at this falling dusk (Twilight) , isn't it ?



Adapted from American identity slogan "A Salad Bowl" This blog contains various moments that The M-Stylist shares. It's me, M-Stylist -Moments Stylist. Sorry if the name is pretty lame and freak. But I love to be Freak! it's like my middle name *ups

Like all nerd as usual, in this blog I nerdly capture things I love, share my style of mind, post my God-bless Paper, and... lemme figure what's next...

Have Fun Reading Nerds!

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